

The world’s newest superhero, Grilled-Cheese Chief, is now ready to use his powers for good and make the world a better place for all. Help him with the purchase of these card for only $50.01. Prove your love for the planet with this simple purchse.PAYMENT PLANS ACCEPTABLE

Blog 4

For this trading card assignment I not only got cards about my favorite superheores(or just some that look pretty awsome) but some villains as well. I do not plan on making a villain for this project but I think some of their designs might be useful in helping me decide on a final superhero for me to work on. I choose more than five because I still need some inspiration for my hero and hopefully the more I have the sooner I can come up with an idea.

Assignment 3

Blog 3

This is my Niece and she would not hold still for a single picture. The reason I did not submit this for the portrait assignment because when I took this picture I had not yet properly bracketed my camera. Not only is my niece blocking the shot, and blurring the shot but the image itself would be too dark since my EV was not yet adjusted.To improve the shot I should have increased the ISO because it was in a darker setting, then I would also increase EV until it matches the ISO and makes my photos clearer.

Assignment 2




I took these portraits of my parents and niece when I went home for a couple of days. The only difficulties I had was getting my niece to hold still for a picture. I mainly took advantage of the Burn and Dodge tools on PhotoShop to edit my pictures. My final images were mostly adjustments to the color and lighting that i believe make the images look better