

The world’s newest superhero, Grilled-Cheese Chief, is now ready to use his powers for good and make the world a better place for all. Help him with the purchase of these card for only $50.01. Prove your love for the planet with this simple purchse.PAYMENT PLANS ACCEPTABLE

3 thoughts on “Superhero

  1. This superhero “trading card” is absolutely hilarious! I especially like the back of the card, because of the description of his abilities and who he is. I like that you were able to work along with the fact that it was autumn/halloween and you mixed the perfect colors with the perfect images. Overall, I think that the way you cut out all your pictures and combined them worked out really well for this card, and I think that you did a really great job with the project, along with adding in humor.

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  3. I really like the layout of this superhero card. I love how the colors all seem to flow together and match up. The text looks really good against the colored backround. the cropping looks pretty good, and I like how you played with the pumpkin image a lot throughout the project. And obviously, I like how you put a grilled cheese as your super heros’s heart. This card looks great and I really like the work that you did with it in photoshop.

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